RoHS statuses
RoHS Compliant
This indicates that to the best of our information, the relevant finished item or component has been checked and is not believed to contain any prohibited substances.
RoHS Non-compliant
This indicates that the item is non-compliant either in itself or if it were to be incorporated into a relevant separate finished product. This description can therefore be confusing, as non-compliance may be irrelevant in the case of a component which is not purchased for incorporation into an item covered by the legislation.
RoHS Exempt
This indicates that the item in question is exempt from the scope of the legislation and would have no detrimental effect even if incorporated as a component into another piece of equipment.
RoHS Unconfirmed
This indicates that Canford believes that the item may not be exempt but that there is insufficient information to declare its actual status.
For further information see our Environmental policies.