UK legal radio mic frequency guide

When using radio microphones it is important to use the right frequencies. There are different sets of frequencies suitable for different purposes. Some require a licence while others do not. The following information gives a brief guide to find the most appropriate solution.

Licence exempt frequencies – No licence required

Shared licensed frequencies – UK roaming

Co-ordinated licensed frequencies – for specific UK locations

Regardless of whether you use licence exempt or licensed radio microphone frequencies, multiple radio microphones used at the same location can interact and interfere with each other. This is known as intermodulation. Take particular care which frequencies you use together to avoid these problems.

This document gives only brief details of the frequencies available for radio microphones and the licence fees that apply. Further information can be found on the Ofcom website.

The Ofcom PMSE Licensing department issues licences for Radio Microphones, Talkback, Sound Links and Vision Links. It manages the radio spectrum used in the UK for Programme Making and Special Events (PMSE) and related activities.

Contact details

PMSE Licensing
2nd Floor Riverside House
2a Southwark Bridge Road

Tel: 020 7981 3803
Web: Ofcom - PMSE Licensing