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22 März 2025

RDL HR-DAC1 D/A CONVERTER Audio, AES/EBU or S/PDIF, half-rack, 24-bit 192kHz

RDL (Radio Design Labs)
  • HR-DAC1
RDL HR-DAC1 D/A CONVERTER Audio, AES/EBU or S/PDIF, half-rack, 24-bit 192kHz
RDL HR-DAC1 D/A CONVERTER Audio, AES/EBU or S/PDIF, half-rack, 24-bit 192kHz


RDL's HR series are 'Half-Rack' Series products with an 'all-metal chassis' which may be used free-standing, using the feet supplied. Each unit may be labelled by removing an end cap and sliding out a clear plastic cover, which can be slid back in to cover user’s labelling, much in the manner of standard designation strips. Two units may be mounted side-by-side in an optional 1U 19-inch rack adapter.


These convert balanced and unbalanced analogue line-level inputs and outputs to and from standard digital audio signals operating at up to 24-bit resolution and 192kHz sampling.

HR-ADC1 - Analogue to Digital

This has a choice of balanced and unbalanced stereo audio line-level inputs which is then converted to either AES/EBU, coaxial S/PDIF or AES-3ID digital signals. Operating at up to 24-bits resolution and 192kHz sampling, either internally-generated or locked to an external source of sync, the HR-ADC1 offers 'superior analogue performance', 'very low distortion', 'exceedingly low noise' and 'remarkably flat frequency response'

The front panel has two rotary controls to set the audio input levels and an array of LEDs for monitoring level. Two rows of twelve LEDs indicate left and right peak or VU average audio levels. The 0dB reference level of the meters may be set to -14, -16, -18 or -20dBFS. Audio peaks between -10dBFS and 0dBFS clipping are displayed separately by two further rows of six LEDs to the right, which are also used as menu LEDs when programming the settings with two adjacent push buttons. The peak display may be set to either flash or store the peak values. Flash duration settings provide for instantaneous, 1/3 second hold or 2/3 second hold. If the peak display is set to 'store' then the highest peak recorded remains displayed until the 'peak reset' button is pushed. A column of six LEDs indicate the internal sample rate; three more the resolution in bits. These are set by two dedicated push buttons. Another button, with associated LED, enables external sync, with another LED indicating 'external sync lock'. A final button switches power, and is equipped with an LED indicator.

The rear offers three connectors each for left and right audio inputs. RCA (phono) sockets provide unbalanced connections whilst either 3-pole female XLR connectors or detachable terminal block connectors may be used for the balanced inputs, which may be wired unbalanced. The digital audio output has three connectors; a 3-pole male XLR provides the balanced AES/EBU output, RCA (phono) and BNC connectors provide the S/PDIF and AES3ID outputs respectively. A switch selects which is used. A similar array of three connectors provides the external sync input, with a female XLR used for the AES/EBU balanced input. The connector used is selected automatically. Both a co-axial connector and a detachable terminal block are provided for connecting power.

Inputs: +4dBu nominal, +2dBu to +26dBu, 30kohms, balanced; -10dBV nominal; -11dBV to +11dBV, 30kohms, unbalanced. (For 0dBFS). Sync inputs: 110ohms, AES/EBU, transformer isolated; 75ohms, S/PDIF; 75ohms, AES-3ID. Sample rates: 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192kHz. Resolution: 16, 20 or 24 bits. Response: 10Hz- 20kHz +/- 0.125dB; 20Hz-20kHz +/- 0.05dB. Distortion: Better than -105dBFS THD+N, 0.0006%, 20Hz to 20KHz, internal sample rate. Crosstalk: Better than -115dB, 50-60Hz; -105dB, 15kHz. Noise: Better than -135dB, 10Hz-20kHz. Dynamic range: Better than 114dB, 24-bit resolution, unweighted. Outputs: 110ohms AES/EBU, transformer isolated; 75ohms S/PDIF; 75ohms AES-3ID. Power source: 24-33V DC, 300mA, ground-referenced. Dimensions: 43 x 206 x 116.6mm (h x l x d).

Included accessories: Instruction sheet, mounting screws. There is no AC power supply.
Optional accessories: Power adapter, 24V, see RDL Power Supplies; mounting hardware, see RDL Rack Mounting Adapters - Half-Rack.

HR-DAC1 - Digital to Analogue

This offers a choice of AES/EBU, coaxial or 0ptical S/PDIF or AES-3ID inputs, which is converted to stereo audio using high speed delta-sigma conversion, digital filtering and filtered wideband analogue circuitry to drive both balanced and unbalanced outputs. With operation up to 24 bits, 192kHz, the design's operating stability is achieved with RDL's proprietary 'Sure-Lok latch-up auto recovery'.

The front panel has two rotary controls to set the audio output levels, each with a pair of LEDs to indicate audio presence and audio level of +4dBu. A row of five LEDs indicate 'lock', the presence of a valid input, and which of four sample rates, 44.1, 48, 96, 192kHz have been detected. The power button is equipped with an LED indicator.

The rear offers three connectors each for left and right audio outputs. RCA (phono) sockets provide unbalanced connections whilst either 3-pole male XLR connectors or detachable terminal block connectors may be used for the balanced outputs, which may be wired unbalanced. The digital audio input has four connectors; a 3-pole male XLR provides the balanced AES/EBU output, a BNC connector provides the AES3ID output with both RCA (phono) and optical connections for S/P DIF. The connector used and sample rate is selected automatically. Both a co-axial connector and a detachable terminal block are provided for connecting power.

Inputs: 110ohms, AES/EBU, transformer isolated; 75ohms, S/PDIF; 75ohms, AES-3ID; S/PDIF optical. Sample rates: 32-192kHz. Resolution: 16-24 bits. Response: 10Hz-24kHz +/- 0.2dB, high impedance load. Distortion: Less than 0.002% THD+N, 20Hz-20KHz, below +22dBu. Crosstalk: Better than -100 dB, 5Hz-3kHz; -90dB, 3kHz- 20kHz. Phase: +/-0.15 degrees, 5Hz-20kHz, L to R, R to L. Noise: Better than -100dB 10Hz-20kHz, -120dBFS input, referred to +22dBu at 0dBFS; -110dB, locked to digital input, digital audio off, reference +22dBu at 0dBFS. Dynamic range: Better than 110dB, unweighted, 24-bit resolution. Outputs: +4dBu nominal, 150ohms, balanced; -10dBV nominal; -10dBV, unbalanced. Adjustable off to +24dBu (0 dBFS). Power source: 24-33V DC, 175mA, ground-referenced. Dimensions: 43 x 206 x 116.6mm (h x l x d).

Included accessories: Instruction sheet, mounting screws. There is no AC power supply.
Optional accessories: Power adapter, 24V, see RDL Power Supplies; mounting hardware, see RDL Rack Mounting Adapters - Half-Rack.






This hardware mounts up to two RDL Half-Rack or Rack-up products in a 19-inch rack, taking up 1U of space.

HR-RA2 Rack Mounting Adapter - Half-Rack Series

This is a 1U, 19-inch rack chassis for mounting two RDL Half-Rack products, plates or accessories. Half-Rack series products drop into the chassis, slide into position and are secured by tightening two or four screws provided with the product or accessory.

HR-RU1 Mounting Adapter Kit - Rack-Up Series

The HR-RU1 is a kit of two brackets that allow a Rack-Up product to be mounted in one-half of an HR-RA2 Rack Adapter.

HR-FP1 Filler Panel - Half-Rack Series

The HR-FP1 is a filler panel that occupies one product space in an RDL Half-Rack mounting chassis, such as the HR-RA2, filling unused space. The design of the HR-FP1 complements the appearance of adjacent products.