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Data sheets are available for all chemical products free on request (C.O.S.H.H.). Iso-propyl Alcohol (Propan-2-ol) An all-purpose cleaning fluid, harmless to tape heads, optical…
Data sheets are available for all chemical products free on request (C.O.S.H.H.). KlensTek Precision Cleaning Spray An efficient, non-flammable and "safe to use" aerosol…
A range of products for cleaning, lubricating and a variety of other tasks encountered in the maintenance of video and audio equipment. All aerosols are CFC (chlorofluorocarbon)…
Microphone windshields and headphone pads should be cleaned regularly for hygiene reasons. It is essential, of course, that they are completely dry before they are used…
Canford Audio Limited ist im Gesellschaftsregister von England und Wales eingetragenHandelsregister Nr. 1385727Umsatzsteuer Identnummer: GB 660 1163 71