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Canford has considerable experience in the design of headphone limiters and their use in the operational environment. Whilst virtually any headphone or headset can have a limiter…
A range of 1000 ohm impedance, non-polarised, black eartube acoustic drivers, complete with cables. Supplied fitted with a Canford in-line limiter, limited to 103dBA and…
A range of spares including, spare ear loudspeakers, standard cables and limited cables, for Canford level limited headphones and headsets. Ear…
Under Health and Safety regulations, employers are required to reduce the risk of damage to the hearing of employees from exposure to noise to the lowest level reasonably…
Canford Audio Limited ist im Gesellschaftsregister von England und Wales eingetragenHandelsregister Nr. 1385727Umsatzsteuer Identnummer: GB 660 1163 71