Stainless steel frames from TUK suitable for all 237 and ABS modules.
Mounting frames 8A
For 19” rack mounting, frames 8A offer either surface or recessed termination of up to 150 pairs (90 ABS circuits) and jumpers (15 modules) in a 3U frame complete with jumper rings, 180 pairs (108 ABS circuits) and jumpers (18 modules) in a 4U frame. Blocks are mounted horizontally.
Mounting frames 5A
Assemblies can be made up using the 5A series of module frames. These are also used for wall box installation and termination of modules in custom applications such as equipment bays and cupboards. Depth shown is depth for wiring behind modules.
For modules see TUK CONNECT+ CONNECTION SYSTEM - Modules
For connection boxes see TUK CONNECT+ CONNECTION SYSTEM - Connection boxes
For accessories see TUK CONNECT+ CONNECTION SYSTEM - Accessories