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ADAPTER 3FX-3MX 3-pin XLR female - 3-pin XLR male, phase…
CANFORD LINE ISOLATING UNIT Analogue, balanced, XLR in/out…
NEUTRIK NC3FXX XLR Female cable connector, nickel shell…
NEUTRIK NC3MXX XLR Male cable connector, nickel shell…
ADAPTER 3MX-3MX 3-pin XLR male - 3-pin XLR male
XLR female one end, XLR male other end. Integral rotary on/off switch with positive click action, engraved legend. “Off” condition shorts pins 2 and 3. For use with microphones without switch facility.
Similar to in-line mic switch, but switch action makes and breaks earth (pin 1) connection. Pin 2 and pin 3 connections wired straight through.
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