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Intended for use in studio and stage installations, the MH-8 has eight stereo output channels, each offering 250 mW of power to left and right channels. Each output channel may be…
Tascam DR-10 series are compact, lightweight, audio recorders intended for electronic news gathering (ENG) and electronic field production (EFP) applications. The DR-10X plugs…
These Tascam digital audio recorders, with on-board microphones, are intended for interview, ENG, music performance and location sound recording, and can be used as handheld…
These Tascam solid state recorders have mainly been designed for broadcast and contractor markets, however they would equally be at home in education, houses of worship, and…
Tascam DA-6400 is a solid state 64-channel digital recorder designed for live recording, event capture, broadcast or backup for critical DAW sessions. As a play back system the…
Designed for use in professional and semi-professional applications including concert, event and conference live recordings, vinyl record transfers, and broadcast playback, these…
The Tascam range of CD players collectively provide for a plethora of applications whether in broadcast, live performance or where continuous, varied playback is required. Most…
Tascam media players have been designed as a multi-media solution for AV users within the pro, broadcast, and hospitality sectors. Models include playback of WAV and MP3 audio…
Tascam Blu-ray and media players have been designed as a professional level multimedia playback solutions for touring and installation applications. BD-MP1mkII BD-MP1mkII is a…
The Tascam range of cassette recorders collectively provide for a plethora of applications whether in broadcast, live performance or where playback, recording, or archiving is…
US-16x08 Tascam US-16x08 interface offers a combination of 16 microphone and line inputs. With recording capability up to 96kHz/24-bit, the eight microphone preamps provide…
Designed for use in commercial venues such as retail, bars, restaurants, or hotels, MZ-123BT multi-zone audio mixer is equipped with two microphone, three line level, and one…
Canford Audio Limited ist im Gesellschaftsregister von England und Wales eingetragenHandelsregister Nr. 1385727Umsatzsteuer Identnummer: GB 660 1163 71