Jackfield burnishers
These allow easy cleaning of jackfield main contacts without disassembly or removal. They are machined from tool steel then treated to achieve a fine burnishing surface, then hard chrome plated to produce a durable finish. To clean contacts, simply insert the burnisher twist lightly and remove. Used every three to four months in average conditions, most jackfield poor contact problems will be eliminated. Not to be used on a more regular basis.
Jackfield solvent injectors
These allow easy cleaning of jackfield normalling (switch) contacts, by allowing direct injection of aerosol spray cleaners (eg. Colclene, stock code 55-177). They have a channel drilled lengthwise through the tool, with an additional perpendicular channel at the tip. When the tool is inserted into a jack, the switch contacts are opened, and by inserting the plastic tube on the solvent aerosol into the rear of the tool, the cleaning fluid can be injected directly down to the normally inaccessible contacts. When the tool is removed, the wiping action of the switch contacts re-mating completes the process. Machined from stainless steel and hard chrome plated.
Manufactured for Canford Audio by Vertigo Recording Services.